Dear CEE friends, Enthusiasts  and Volunteers

It is past the 50th year since the World Nations assembled in Stockholm on June 5 to discuss the looming problems of Environmental Mismanagement. The world over World Environment Day is celebrated every year by conducting talks, discussions, planting trees, removing waste and so on. This year United Nations has declared the Theme #OnlyOneEarth which was used at the first Global Environment Gathering in Stockholm in 1972.

Two decades later in 1992, The  World Environment Gathering was held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. This has been coined as EARTH SUMMIT 1992 which produced the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development. Toeing in line with the Rio declaration Centre for   Environmental Efficiency believes in Sustainable Development where both Environment and Development are to be brought hand-in-hand.

GDP of the nations are indeed improving compared to the earlier decades but our GDP generation, by overexploiting the natural resources in the most inequitable way, creates intra-generational and inter-generational sustainability issues and are to be addressed properly.

The Centre for Environmental Efficiency puts forward effective Environmental Management Tips based on two strong indicators, Environmental Efficiency (EE) and Carrying Capacity (CC).  It is an attempt to reorient our development trajectory from a GDP-oriented linear economy to Environmental Efficiency-oriented Circular Economy. There will be lesser throwaways that create negative externalities. Circular Economy is the business of this era where everything is reduced, reused and recycled. It is also to be verified whether our investments in the form of money, energy and natural resources are reaching real human development.

We have ONLY ONE EARTH and we have to meet the human aspirations most equitably, both intra-generational (present generation) and inter-generational (between present and future generations). In this respect thinking aloud about where to start implementing sustainability at the local level, it is felt appropriate to conduct a PANEL DISCUSSION on the following topic under the aegis of CEE on online mode.`


We have arranged a Panel of Experts to discuss the various issues related to design, enforcement and legality to achieve the most effective pedestrian pathways contributing to local sustainability at the community/city level. Aggregation of local level achievements, ensure Sustainable Development at the national level. LET INDIA BE A ROLE MODEL COUNTRY as already percapita consumption(ecological footprint) is well below the global average.

Architect # MariaAntonyKatticaran will moderate the entire event. Author Trustee #DrMayMathew will be explaining how this theme is related to #EnvironmentalEfficiency and Sustainability.

Those who like to participate can register

Image Courtesy: Freepik

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